Sunday, March 6, 2011

"The Adjustment Bureau" - Review

"If you believe in free will. If you believe in chance. If you believe in choice. Fight for it."
I first heard of this film back around Summer 2010 from a trailer at the theater. It was initially due for a September 2010 release but was delayed until March 4, 2011. Which was a disappointment considering this is the type of film I go for the most.

Was it worth the wait? Did it live up to my expectations? The answer is yes. Now, I didn't expect another brilliant "Inception" or a best film of the year, but I did expect a film that was smart, unique, thought provoking, and sparked discussion. It did all of the aforementioned for me. On top of all that, the casting was great and they all did a terrific job with their performances; the chemistry between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt was amazing too (and is Emily Blunt extremely beautiful or what? <3).

Sure the central theme of the storyline might have minor theology, but it doesn't do it in a preachy, annoying, or one-sided way. As an Atheist, it didn't bother me at all because it didn't put any labels on anything nor was it any obvious religion in disguise. To me, the film said that even if there was some form of intelligent design, that free-will and choice is still important and worth fighting for. That we don't NEED a specific "book" to tell us how to think or live.

The only complaint I have (if it even counts as one) is that I feel that if this film was a little more daring and had a little more depth, it could have easily been a new classic. That still doesn't stop it from being a very good film overall though, and easily one of the best films of the year so far. I recommend it.

Score: 4/5

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